
Tucson provides weekly live and replay services at Live services start at 2:00 PM Arizona. Please note, Arizona does not observe daylight savings and is the same time as Pacific DST during the summer months.

But Enough About You

Dan Anderson delivers a pre-Days of Unleavened Bread message

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Five Things To Do Before Passover

James Capo gives a list of five things to do before Passover.

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How Well Do I Know God

Randall Rapp asks the question "How well do I know God?"

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Be Confident in God

James Capo exorts us to step outside our comfort zone and put our confidence in God.

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What Does God Expect of Us Now, “Little Flock”?

Randall Rapp

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The Pre-existence of Christ

The Apostle John began his gospel account with the introduction of Jesus Christ as the Logos and Creator of all. This was a fundamentaly different concept to the Jewish population that believed God was a single supreme Being. Even today, the concept of binitarianism is not widely accepted in Christian...

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Immortal Soul?

From the beginning, mankind has believed in the immortality of the human soul. This belief is evident throughout human history from Ancient Egyptian burial practices, to the 14th-century Dante's Inferno, to the modern celebration of the Day of the Dead. Does man have an immortal soul or does life...

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Today's modern society does not make it easy for us to slow down and think. Instant communication and hundreds of channels have created an overstimulated population on a scale never before seen. God provides His people an antidote to this condition called meditation. What instructions are contained in the...

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Do Hard Things

Contrary to intuitive expectations, recent scientific studies indicate that happiness requires a sense of adventure and challenge to explore and grow. How can we apply the biblical instruction to “be strong and of courage” in our lives today and choose the state of mind that brings true happiness?

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Where Are All the Prophets?

In Paul's letter to Ephesus, he writes that God calls and inspires some to positions within the church, including the role of prophet. The bible is full of examples of prophets recorded in both the Old and New Testaments. What makes a prophet of God and do they exist...

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